Live life in color and take a tethered ride in a hot air balloon at the 2017 InTouch Credit Union Plano Balloon Festival that will be the weekend of September 22-24 at Oak Point Park. A tethered ride is when the hot air balloon lifts up and off the ground, it then hovers 20-30 feet above the field for several minutes, but the balloon won’t launch or fly away into the sky. This is a unique opportunity to experience the sensation of being in a hot air balloon with a licensed pilot.
Tethered rides are scheduled Friday, September 22, 2017 in the evening, Saturday, September 23, 2017 in the morning and evening, and Sunday, September 24, 2017 in the morning and evening. All balloon activities are weather permitting, first come first serve, and at the individual pilot’s discretion. One hot air balloon is scheduled to be on the field for tethered rides and can accommodate 10-12 people (depending on the height and weight of the passengers).
Tickets for rides are available for purchase on-site during the festival and payment is cash only. There are automated teller machines located near the launch field and available during regular festival hours. The cost per person is: Adults – $25, Children 6-12 years old – $15. Every passenger must sign a waiver form prior to participating. The minimum age for a passenger is six (6) years old and anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent and/or legal guardian. There is not a minimum height requirement for any passengers. No one is permitted to hold a child or lift another person up in their arms during the tethered ride.

The line for the tethered rides generally moves efficiently, to allow a high volume of people to enjoy the experience. We encourage you to share your photos and videos by using our official hashtag #PlanoBalloon or #PlanoBalloon 2017 on social media sites. www.planoballoonfest.org